Thursday, April 10, 2014

Photo Blog: Garden Fresh-Homemade Piri Piri Sauce!

One of my mottos about food since we've been here in Mozambique is:  "If you WANT it, you can probably MAKE it!"  Since I love food so much, there are usually lots of things that I WANT, but can't get here.  So I've learned to make up my own recipes (or find a recipe) to make the foods that I WANT!  Here are just a few of the things that I've made from scratch these 7 years we've been here:  English muffins, granola, jam, fudge, apple sauce, caramel corn, flour and corn tortillas, corn chips, mall-type pretzels, yogurt, cream cheese (made with yogurt), cheesecake made with yogurt cheese, mozzarella, ricotta cheese, feta cheese, sourdough crackers (taste like Cheese-Its), quesadillas, veggie sausage, and all types of veggie burgers.  My latest concoction in the kitchen is homemade piri-piri sauce!  When the price of piri-piri sauce in the shops in town went up, I decided it was time to make better use of the piri-piri peppers growing in our garden outside.  I couldn't find a good recipe online for homemade piri-piri sauce that didn't involve lots of oil, so I decided to make up my own recipe...and below are some photos of the results!

I figured I'd use some of the ingredients on the last jar of store bought piri-piri sauce we had...
olive oil, salt, garlic and spices, lime juice, and piri-piri.

I used almost equal amounts of piri-piri and fresh garlic, chopped them up
(causing everyone to flee outside when their eyes started to burn!), and put them in a pot with
fresh lime juice, a bit of olive oil, some salt, and water.  After cooking and tasting, I had to add a few more ingredients
to get rid of some of the heat and add more flavor.  About 1 TBS of ketchup went in
along with some mixed herbs.

When it was thoroughly cooked, I strained the sauce into a jar and
reserved the pulp to re-use later for my next batch.

The finished product!  We've been eating from this jar for about a week now
and it's almost gone...time to make some more!


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